turning 21 in the midst of the exams cannot be the best thing to happen to anyone, but today, i'm no grouch because everyone made it so special, and you played the biggest role one could ever ask for. and i wouldn't want to change anything today, not even the fact that it's the exam period, because no big party with copious amounts of alcohol and crazy, inebriated celebration can make up for what made me so contented and so happy today. my 21st went by without the expected drinking and partying that is so often inextricably linked to me and it made me so much surer of what we have, and what i'm committing myself to. that was all i could ask for, right now at a pivotal turning point in life. thank you so much

(includes new shoes and a jumper)
chew and denzil. your text messages all the way from australia was well sweet, though it did cost me 30p per text to reply each of you, and that you two majorly interrupted what i told you. we're all grown up now :)
(includes new shoes and a jumper)
chew and denzil. your text messages all the way from australia was well sweet, though it did cost me 30p per text to reply each of you, and that you two majorly interrupted what i told you. we're all grown up now :)