it's the second week of school, but lectures and seminars are still in the introductory phase, but that doesn't spare me from the fact that i've a introduction to research methods presentation to give next monday, and a T S Eliot web search presentation to give on tuesday. plus i'm going down to london on friday and won't be back till sunday, leaves me with little and almost no time to prepare for them. shit. haha. and i've joined rowing and i really like the fact that they have a structured fitness regime to go through and hopefully, it'll maintain my fitness level while i'm here the next 3 years.
and yes, i've got a hair cut, as much as i said i wanted to leave it long, it was a spontaneous decision. haha

and yes, i've got a hair cut, as much as i said i wanted to leave it long, it was a spontaneous decision. haha